
fredag 4 april 2014

The tenth

I guess the most important thing in my life, is to have faith in gods work. Everything will work out, for everyone. And at the end of the day that's what matters. The road might be rocky but today when Im laying here in my bed and thinking about yesterday's worries, that somehow worked out, I just feel it's not worth all the anxiety!! Just for today I will not worry. I'll trust that God has a plan!

söndag 8 december 2013

The ninth

I think that one of the most important things in life are friends and family. Today is one of those really great days, I'm gonna spend the day with one of my oldest friends to buy some christmas presents for my family. I'm so ready for Christmas and spend some time with my family in the woods of Sweden. With good food and even greater company! I miss my family so much during work times, so I'm so happy to see them soon!

I think the forest is really good for my spirituality too. I just wanna go out there and hug a tree, you know! I'm so sick off the tube and stressed out people. I just love the forest, and when it's time for me to start a family. I'm gonna move there :)

How are you my friends? Having a great time, like me? Be kind to one and another! Xoxo

söndag 27 oktober 2013

The eighth

Hello my beloved ones!
I just got home from a absolutely great weekend, that i spend with first of all my niece, but also my sister and her partner. The love I feel for my niece is beyond anything I have ever felt before. It's just a special feeling I cant describe, when I hear her warming laugh or heartbreaking crying. A love I never experienced before. I'm always sad when I have to go home, but I guess the distance makes me appreciate the time I do get with her, even more.
 Anyways, I had a great weekend. I'm a bit tired from all the playing but I'm happy and greatful. The thing that came to me in all the chaos, is how do parents get the time to meditate? I mean, I'm lucky cause I can walk away a few minutes to pray and meditate, but the parents need to be there, all the time. She cries the minute they leave the room, and when she sleeps, the dishes or the laundery needs to taking care of. And the dog need a walk, and the parents need to shower and pay the bills and shop and cook and clean and on and on and on!? The tempo is extreme, all day long and I just want to take this chanse to say, you are awesome. I admire your spirit, your energy, your love, your patient and everything else that comes with parenting.
  I promise you, I'll try to come up with a good idea to get some me-time. Because in the end, the most important you'll ever have. Is you.

onsdag 23 oktober 2013

The seventh

Hi there! I'm so very, very happy to have all these new readers. Very welcome to this "inner-peace-searching site! I hope you find something here that can help you. And please, feel free to ask me anything! I'll do my best to help you :) This blog sure helps me a lot, it's perfect for me to go online and write something down on a bad day, sort of like therapy. And to go online and write when I'm happy, makes me feel even more happy. So thank you, everyone for helping me! :)
   I've been so tired this week, and it's just wednesday? Well, I think that's a lesson my body's trying to give me. I work my ass of, everyday at work and It's a lot of fun and I love going there, but I need to change something in my life to get more energy. I sat the other day with my enegydrink in my hand and started to think about how often I've bought them, the last couple of weeks and how bad it might be for my body. And how stressed out I feel, for hours after I've been drinking them. It's not good for my body and not good for my inner peace.
  So I made a decision - Stop drinking energydrinks and start living a more healthy lifestyle. Tomorrow I'll start of my day with two boiled eggs, and half of a grapefruit. I'll try to eat something small and healthy every third hour, and I hope that my normal energy will come back to me soon. It's autumn in Sweden right now, starting to get cold and it's dark outside most of the times. So I guess it's logical that my energy's lower than in the summer.

Anyways, maybe some of you have the same problem and want to start their "new life" with me? I'll try to put up some recipies and tips that I'll use. And hey, feel free to send in tips to me aswell! If you're lucky, I'll post them! 

söndag 20 oktober 2013

The sixth

At first i need to apologize for these last days, I've been very busy so i havent had time to blog any. I hope you guys had a great week and a even better weekend? I try to seize the weekend by doing good stuff for my self.
  Yesterday was a bad day for me, I realized that a year have passed since a dear friend of mine passed away in cancer. So I had a hard time doing something productive, you know. But you know how I say we should be kind to ourselves, so I took a decision and gave myself some time, and took the evening to light some candles, talk to her and grieve. I think that was the best thing to do for my self.

We can't get happy if we deny our feelings. I think we have to embrace them, and let ourselves be sad, be angry, be happy, or be tired. Why do we struggle against it when we can embrace it and let it pass? 

tisdag 15 oktober 2013

The fifth

Hi there!
First of all I'm want to say welcome to all the new readers, I hope you like what you read and find something helpful here :) 

I've been thinking a lot about respect these last couple of days. I've been feeling a lot of pressure from work and people in general lately and today I just felt like I really needed to do something. I mean, you can stand there and just let people talk you over, or you can put your foot down. The thing I find difficult is to, you know, tell someone you’ve had enough, but still nicely. Especially when I’m talking to my boss, it’s important to say no, but in a good way, so you don’t get fired or something. 
  Well, today I had that talk with my boss, and what I really did was opening up. I told her about my concerns, that I don’t feel comfortable in some situations and things need to get changed around there. And I have to say the response was really good! She started to apologize, gave me a lot of credit for my work and then promised me that she would do her best to fix these things. And afterwards I was really proud of myself! It’s important to stand up for yourself, and today I learned that’s it really worth it!

People won’t always give you respect, and if they’re not. You have to take it.  

söndag 13 oktober 2013

The fourth

Hey everybody, I'm hoping that you've had a great weekend just like me? Yesterday I met up with my good friend Mela. We had a onepiece-party and watched movies, cried and laughed together. I think it's importortant to embrace your self with people that make you feel safe like that, and that makes you happy. I'm blessed to have that kind of friends, and I love them all, very much.

Anyways, I've been thinking a lot about my relationship with God lately. (Get ready for some deep stuff) I think it's important to talk to your higher power on a daily basis and I do that by meditation and prayers. But lately I've lost my will to pray and meditate, and I don't know why. But I think thats okay to do, sometimes, not like a habbit but sometimes. I mean, we beat our selfes up every single day for stupid stuff, so why don't give ourselves a break and just say, "It's okay to not be perfect" I feel like we have to stop beat ourselves up like this everytime we get the chanse. Choose love.

But like I said, I don't want to make this a habit, that I can use to beat myself up with later.
So tonight I'm gonna pray.